CPS Overview

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Chinatown Photographic Society

      Chinatown Photographic Society (CPS) was founded in 1967.  We have been around for over forty years.  CPS is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. Our vision is community services through the venue of photography.  Our mission is fourfold:
(1) To meet friends through the medium of photography;
(2) To learn from each other in photography;
(3) To increase our body of knowledge in the art and technology of photography; and,
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       Since the inception CPS has been promoting the art of photography to the community by holding various photography workshops, field trips, photo contests, photo exhibitions and eleven years of International Salon under the auspices of Photographic Society of America (PSA) in 1976-86.  CPS went through her shares of ups and downs in the 1980-90s.  It was not until the late 1990’s with the return of former members such as Johnny Lee, Carson Woo and others alike that we revitalize our society.  We ventured into offering introductory classes in computers and digital photography to our members and the community.  We offer photography workshops, field trips and photo competitions.  We are proud to have special monthly and weekend programs for the past six years in special photography topics by known photographers, computer and digital photography workshops, and discussion groups. 

       We are proud to be the only recognized photographic organization in Chinatown with all-around services to our members and the community.  We welcome membership inquires and new members.


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