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HXJANG 發表於 2018-04-24 18:43 | 來源: | 閱讀


(一) 雙月賽規則和免責聲明:




(二) 雙月賽組別和獎項設置:
級別: 分初級和沙龍級兩個級別進行比賽。
初級代號: 1
沙龍級代號: 2

1. 花草樹木 (專題組代號: A): 可以創意,PS及改變,不拘形式。
2. 旅游(專題組代號: B): 紀實,不可PS和任意改動。

每個主題分別設置第ㄧ名: 1人; 第二名: 1人; 第三名: 1人; 優秀獎: 5 名


全年總評獎項: 全年總成績冠軍: 1名; 亞軍1名; 季軍1名

截稿日期: 星期日7/08/2018 11:00pm
評選日期: 星期日7/15/2018 2:00pm-4:00pm

評選委員: 主要由華藝攝影學會的董事、顧問和沙龍組成員組成,亦會特約邀請各地的攝影家藝術家擔任評委。

(四) 參賽細則:
作品規格: 參賽作品使用 JPG 格式, SRGB 色彩空間、resolution 300 dpi。作品最長邊不超過3000 Pixies/像素。文件大小2MB – 5 MB。

作品文件命名格式 (中英文均可): “參賽者姓名_作品名稱_級別代號_專題組代號”
注意每個 ‘_’ 之間是沒有空格的!
例如: 劉野_盛開_1_A (參加初級花草樹木專題組的比賽);
Henry Jang_Golden Gate Bridge_2_B (參加沙龍級旅游專題組的比賽)
注意: 由于我們釆用電腦軟件來下載和處理大家寄來作品文件,如果不按此規則命名你的作品文件,電腦軟件不會處理你的作品,將導至參賽資格被取消,絕無例外! 后果自負!

投稿數量: 每個人只能參加一個級別,但可以同時參加兩個專題組的比賽,每人每個組別只限兩張。

投稿方法: 把電子文件上在指定時間內電郵至以下華藝郵箱:

(五) 參賽費用:


New Rules and Guidelines for the CPS Bimonthly Photo Contest
(Effective Date: July 2018)

CPS has changing the bimonthly photo contest rules and guidelines as of July 2018. All new bimonthly photo contests will follow these new rules and guidelines as follows:

1. We only accept submissions from members. It is free to participate. CPS reserves the right to reject any submission that is not follow the rules.
2. We will continue to have two levels of competition: Entry Level and Saloon Level.
3. Each time we will have two different contest themes.
4. We cannot accept any work that is copyright protected. All photos must be of original content. We recommend recent photos. CPS reserves the right to publish all submitted photos.
5. Any photos previously won any CPS photo contest awards will not be accepted.
6. For each theme, we’ll have the following awards: First Place – one photo, Second Place – one photo, Third Place – one photo, Outstanding – five photos.
7. Judges will mainly chosen from CPS board members, advisors, CPS Salon team members and well known photographers from outside.

Photo Contest Levels: Entry level and Saloon level.
1. Entry Level Id: 1
2. Saloon Level Id: 2

Photo Contest Themes/Category:
Themes for July:
1. Trees and Flowers (Category Id: A): Can be any format and photoshoped.
2. Photo Travel (Category Id: B): Photoshop only limited to adjusting brightness, color, contrast. No adding or removing any elements.

Submission Details:
1. We accept only JPG format digital files with SRGB color, resolution 300 dpi. Picture long side can’t exceed 3000 Pixies. File size should be between 2MB – 5MB.
2. File Naming Convention: All digital files must using the following naming convention. Any violation will be rejected. No exceptions!
File Naming Convention: “Author’s Name_Title_Contest Level Id_Contest Category Id”
Please note there is no spaces between each ‘_’!
Examples: Henry Jang_Wild Flowers_1_A.jpg; Henry Jang_Golden Gate Bridge_2_B.jpg
3. Each person only can participate in one contest level, but can participate in both contest categories. Only can submit up to two photos per category.
4. Send photos through email before the deadline to the following email address: sfcpsphotocontest@gmail.com

Deadline to submit for July: July 8, 2018 before 11:00pm.
Contest Time for July: July 15, 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm

