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admin 發表於 2012-03-15 00:45 | 來源: | 閱讀


各位有興趣參加2012年奧利地超級攝影大賽, 請與熊泳渝或張婷云聯系, 如果你准備好一張CD與參賽費, 可交給熊泳渝或張婷云, 他們集中一齊再寄出.
熊泳渝: 415-385-9039, or email me yhsiong@sbcglobal.net
張婷云: 415-668-5080 or email: dianating@sbcglobal.net

奧利地超級攝影大賽官方网址: www.supercircuit.at


Dear photofriend!
We remember your participation in our 2010 TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT & SPECIAL THEMES CIRCUIT as creative, clever and successful, but missed your entry in our 2011 contest a lot.
Today I hope that I can convince you to enter your best image again in the world’s largest annual photo art contest 2012.
I am confident that a collection of your best images will do very well.
There is now a new upload platform ready for your entry, open until April 23, 2012: http://tsc2012.fotosalon.at
If you need assistance or more information please contact me at: fotoforum@fotosalon.at
Apart from cash prize money and 400 medals and trophies all winners are invited to attend the famous Gala of Photography, to be celebrated in the Design Center Linz.

Each participant will receive his personal copy of the magnificent
limited edition 300!! page catalogue book, containing more than 1.000 of the very best entries in superb printing quality.

In the 21. TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT you can enter digital files either by using our upload or on CD.
The theme of the contest is open (general section) plus there is one special theme on nature and wildlife photography.

The 11. SPECIAL THEMES CIRCUIT, organized in addition to the above, you can enter digital files either by using our upload or on CD by post/courier service too.
This contest concentrates on the following special themes: experimental, photo travel, landscape, portrait, nudes, water, panorama photography, architecture, emotions, humour, sport & dynamics, seasons, trees, children, colour ecstasy, streets and ways, security, sunrise/sunset, green, night images, still life, unusual and avantgarde and several more.

If you plan to send your entry by upload just follow the instructions on http://tsc2012.fotosalon.at – it is easy if doing it step by step.
If you plan to send your entry by post or courier service entry forms are available for download at www.supercircuit.at
