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admin 發表於 2011-08-13 19:36 | 來源: | 閱讀





Sunset as I remember it

“Golden Autumn in XinJiang” photography exhibition by Mr. and Mrs. Liang Weisheng


主辦: 美國三藩市華藝攝影學會

時間: 2011年8月28日中午2時 至9月30日 8/28/2011, 2pm to 9/30/ 2011

地點: 華藝攝影學會展覽廳    三藩市華埠天后廟街 132號地下 

        San Francisco Chinatown Photography Society Exhibition Hall, 132 Waverly Pl. San Francisco, CA 94108

電話: 415-335-8219 (梁偉升)   415-335-8217 (梁方紅珊)

Email:  wliang98@yahoo.com



在中國西北邊陲,有一個美麗的地方,這裡山川壯麗,風光秀美,地形奇特,原始粗獷,自然旅遊資源以“高、新、奇、異、特”著稱,這就是世界上唯一一處古代四大文明的交匯地,在太空奏響的《十二木卡姆》和維吾爾族經典傳承《福樂智慧》的發祥地。舉世聞名的“絲綢之路”—新疆維吾爾族自治區。 “絲綢之路”在促進東西方交流的同時,也在新疆各地留下了眾多飽含文化韻味的歷史遺跡,成為新疆最寶貴的人文資源。獨具特色的自然景觀、歷史文化遺存和多姿多彩的各民族民俗風情交相輝映,構成了新疆神奇而迷人的魅力。在這片美麗富饒的土地上,各族人民勞動、生息、繁衍、融合,用勤勞、智慧和汗水創造了光輝燦爛的歷史和現代文明。

攝影家梁偉升教授,原北京大學醫學院藥學系教師、高級工程師及教研室主任。中國改革開放後,受美國加州大學(UCSF)邀請赴美做科研工作,並一直留在美國從事醫藥研究。 早在讀小學期間,梁教授就對藝術攝影有著一種執著的追求,無奈讀書和工作的繁忙,一直難以實現當一回攝影家的夢想,直至2003年退休,梁教授毫不猶豫地添置了一套攝影器材,參加了華藝攝影學會的攝影班。光陰似箭日月如梭,梁教授已到古稀之年,為了圓兒時的夢,懷著對祖國的眷念之情,七十多歲的老人了,還多次往返中國,賓士在祖國的遼闊的土地上,進行攝影創作。



Sunset as I remember it

“Golden Autumn in XinJiang” photography exhibition by Mr. and Mrs. Liang Weisheng

 In the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on the Northwestern boarder of China lays the legendary Silk Road. Featuring the majestic mountains, vast grasslands, barren deserts and primitive wildness, it is a natural tourist attraction known for its novelty and uniqueness. XinJiang is the only place in the world where four ancient civilizations intersect. And it is the birth place of “Twelve Muqam” music and where the ancient tales of “Kutadgu Bilig” (Wisdom which brings good fortune) was passed down for generations.

The Silk Road used to be the trade routes interlinking Afro-Eurasian culture and is now the most treasured cultural heritage in Xinjiang. Charmed by its unique natural beauty, historical relics, colorful folk culture, and co-existence of multiple ethnicities, Xinjiang witnessed its rich history and modern culture created by hard work, wisdom, and harmony in the land of beauty and abundance.  

Photographer Liang, Weisheng, was a professor of Pharmaceutical Science in Beijing Medical University. He also held position as teacher, engineer, and department director. In 1989, he joined research project by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Professor Liang remained in the United States and conducted   biotechnology researches for many years.

 As early as in his teens, Professor Liang had a keen interest in photography. But unfortunately the busy school and work kept him away from his photographer’s dreams. It was not until 2003 when he was retired that Professor Liang bought his first set of photograph equipment and joined the Chinese Photography Society. His life-long passion was rekindled. Driven by his deep love of his motherland, the septuagenarian traveled many times to China where he use his camera to capture the amazing sceneries and people.

 “Golden Autumn in XinJiang” was the works of Professor Liang and his wife Ms. Hongshan Fang in September 2010. They ventured deep into the northern and western territories of Xinjiang. They want to share their experience with you as a way to promote the culture and art exchange in the San Francisco Chinese community. Hope you enjoy these photos as much as they do.  

 San Francisco Chinatown Photographic Society, 2011
